For our film we have classed it a certificate 12A. We feel that is suitable becuse, there are few discrete references linking to illegal dealing and violence, but does not actually show any footage of this. For example, one of our scenes features the main protagonists engaged in some violence, however no violent actions are actually being shown. This means it is not too violent or explicit to be clssed as 15 or 18 but, there are still some references which may be unsuitable for children under the age of 8.
The BBFC (British board of film certification) is the official council which gives all films an age certification, classing into for suitable categories.
The first classification is U. This means that the film is suitable for ages above 4, without being accompanied by an adult. This age certification is most common computer animations, and family films. 'Finding Nemo' and 'The Santa Claus' are examples of U classifications as
not explicit messages are shown or hindered.
Another film certificaton is PG (parental guidance). This basically means that the majority of the film is suitable for most ages, however they may be a few scenes unsuitable for young children. For this, children under the age of 8 must be accompanied by an adult in order to watch these films.
12A is another film certificate, which besically mean persons under the age of 12 must be accompanied by an adult. Films under this category are considered to be unsuitable for very young people. Adults who are accompanying the uderage children must be a minimum age of 18. Films under this category can contain mature themes, discrimination, soft drugs, moderate swear words, infrequent strong language and moderate violence/sex references.
The next certificate is 12. This is similar to 12A, however children under 12 cannot watch these films even if accompanied by an adult. The factors which differentiate this classification from 12A is that there may be some extra material which is inappropriate for children under 12. Genres such as action can be sometimes put under this category, as long as the images shown aren't extreme.
15 is the next category. This means people younger than the age of 15 cannot see these films. These films can contain; adult themes, hard drugs, strong language, sexual references, and undetailed sex activity. Alot of thrillers are put under this catergory as there are alot of thriller plots relating to gun violence, hard drug useage, and strong language.
18 is another film classification. Nobody under the age of 18 can view these films. Most explicit restrictions are not limited in these films, excluding sexual images where are some limitations. Horrors are commonly put under this category as there are scenes which show strong aggressions, and gory scenes.
The final BBFC certificate is R18 (restricted 18). This means films under this age certificate cannot be shown at any cinema and only in adult +18 stores. This because explicit and unrestricted pornographic scenes can be seen. Adult films are always classed under this category.
Our media film is a thriller, but we have concluded that it should be classed as a 12A. We do have one scene which does show violence, however we edited it out as it was not needed. There are hinderences to gang violence in the film, however no clips which actually display this, so therefore we do not feel it should be in any other age certificate other than 12A.
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